Springtime is here!!
Springtime is here and lot’s of PHRANC stuff is going on! First of all my multi-media memoir, Phranc Talk:The Butch Closet will be opening October 28, 2023 at Craig Krull gallery in Santa Monica (more details as we get closer the date.) AND……The 2001 film by Lisa Udelson “Lifetime Guarantee: Phranc’s Adventure in Plastic” that documents my first year selling Tupperware will soon be released. So stay tuned! A Phranc songbook with lyrics, tabs, photos is in the works. Very soon all my music , which is currently available on https://phranc.bandcamp.com/will be streaming on all platforms. I’m working away on all of this while I create new pieces for the Butch Closet.
Stay safe and keep swimming,
2021! The Butch Closet!
Ahoy! Finally 2021 is here!
I’m looking forward a more positive time. I am trying to stay connected to activism and making the world safer and less hateful. In the midst of this kooky pandemic and social upheaval I am also trying to concentrate on completing my multi-media memoir Phranc Talk “The Butch Closet”. In the performance part of the memoir the audience enters through the door of The Butch Closet and parts the sea of hanging flannel shirts ( made of paper?) revealing the stage where I tell stories, sing songs, and narrate photos, video, and home movies. The book part of The Butch Closet is a painted autobiography. I am creating objects, sewn and painted paper sculptures, starting with my baby quilt (5 ft x 3 ft, Kraft paper, goauche, thread, polyester batting), that illustrate my life. My goal is to creat 65 pieces (I’m 63 now and my goal is have this released at 65) that will be published as a catalog/book and a companion to the performance. There will also be an archival component of collected recordings and images. So if you see me pop up on social media, and I release new art and music, please know that all the while I am working on this bigger project. Thank you for the support you have always given me. I am especially indebted to the queer community, my chosen family, for all the love!
Oh! Please sign my mailing list!
Phranc Talk 2020
Moving! Moving! Moving! I’ve been busy but now it’s time to settle down and focus on Phranc Talk 2020. The book, the show, the music are all slowly coming together. This is a big project and I can’t do it alone. I need help scanning and archiving and designing and recording and organizing! I need stories and photos and videos from folks who witnessed performances across the decades. So stay tuned. I will be setting up a dropbox link soon. I will stay current and keep you all posted. Also I am working on new paper sculptures for my September 2020 show at The Boise Art Museum.
So Happy 2020!
Always remember to wear your lifejacket!!!
Stay afloat!
Ahoy and Happy New Year! January is sailing quickly by and while storms still rage in many parts of our world there are now bits of blue sky to shout about. February is becoming crowded with many exciting things. On FEBRUARY 14th ART CENTER SCHOOL OF DESIGN in Pasadena presents “GARB” AT THE WILLIAMSON GALLERY (http://williamsongallery.net) Annie Oakley and a few of her paper pals will be included in this show. GARB will explore the different approaches in which clothing, attire and costumes intersect in the visual arts.

February 16th at 8pm I return to McCabe’s Guitar Shop in Santa Monica
Get yer tix here: https://www.store.mccabes.com/cart.php?target=product&product_id=2200

February 20-24 I travel to Austin Texas for OUTsider Fest! On February 22 at 7:30 pm I am thrilled to present “Phranc The All-American Jewish Lesbian Folksinger and The Art of The Cardboard Cobbler” https://www.outsiderfest.org/
I hope to see you at one of these events Lifelovers
XXX Phranc

There is no gallery selected or the gallery was deleted.
Chicas Rockeras! “The Great Outdoors” and “Swagger”
It all started in June with the 2018 session of Chicas Rockeras SELA, a rock camp for girls 8-17 where I taught my first songwriting workshop. My friend and partner in PHAG! Alice Bag http://alicebag.com turned me on to this amazing community of women who change the world by offering safe, creative musical space, education and fun! check them out!! https://www.chicasrockerassela.org
Then on to July in Sun Valley, Idaho. Where the fabulous Friesen Gallery hosted my show “The Great Outdoors”, a nostalgic collection of my paper sculptures reflecting the summer moods and activities of that special mountain community. Brava to Andria Friesen and her top notch crew. Special thanks to Minna Casser who oversaw the whole production and treated me to an especially wonderful off road version of Idaho summer at her ranch. I had a blast on “Eye on Sun Valley” with host Lynn Pattnosh who interviewed me for this cool cable show https://youtu.be/tY_0DkjYQI4
Phranc : The Great Outdoors July 6 – August 4 www.friesengallery.com/
July 14th “Swagger”, my show at Craig Krull Gallery in Santa Monica opened with a Butch parade! Thanks to Craig and Beth Parker and special kudos to Robert LaFluer for excellent installation. Thanks to all who showed up for the fun! http://craigkrullgallery.com/phranc/index.html
above: Butches in the gallery
Next up: Saturday August 11 2018
El Vez and Hot August Phranc at Grand Performances!
Phranc and Robert Lopez join up to perform together as themselves and their alter egos. Don’t miss this evening of intimate music and wild and crazy sing a long fun!
See ya there!
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